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■7112351  FETPDAEVnCYmezF 
□投稿者/ Marissa -(2017/06/19(Mon) 04:16:06) [ID:myKR1VYV]

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Disney shares closed 0.6 percent higher at $66.98 on the New York Stock Exchange on Friday. Fox shares gained 0.8 percent to close at $30.19, and Comcast shares climbed 0.5 percent to $44.68, both on the Nasdaq. carvedilol ratiopharm 6 25 cena The studio is banking on the success of other recent filmsthat have paired up heroes from the comic book universe, such asDisney's Marvel superhero ensemble "The Avengers" in2012, which made $1.5 billion at the worldwide box office.

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