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■7841853  SaDjWsJSxMAVuFewPQ 
□投稿者/ Raymundo -(2017/09/18(Mon) 06:56:12) [ID:Vlc9OBHZ]

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Thousands of mid- and lower-ranking officers were angry and said they could not serve under a president they regarded as a terrorist. Senior officers tried to calm them, arguing that the men needed to wait for the right moment to move against Mursi. "We tried to reassure them but the message did not get through," said a senior police official. "They just fumed silently." como comprar viagra en espaa We meet the day after his performance in an ornate hotel across the River Salzach. Wearing a sharp grey suit with a dark-green collar, he&rsquo;s not big, but broad. &ldquo;There have been moments in my career when I was overweight,&rdquo; he admits in his heavily accented English. &ldquo;But I think it&rsquo;s important that you are believable as a character. There are singers with phenomenal voices where it didn&rsquo;t matter, but I think, generally speaking, the public wants to believe in the characters.&rdquo;

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