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■10491889  lJkQClZPAtbD 
□投稿者/ Chase -(2018/04/14(Sat) 22:12:05) [ID:LQAtYpPi]

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What about social housing, I ask &ndash; but he is there before me. &ldquo;They say social housing, but not one of them gives a s---. If they really cared about social housing they&rsquo;d build f---ing social housing! They never do. It&rsquo;s really a cover, I think.&rdquo; He takes a deep breath and grins without mirth. &ldquo;That&rsquo;s perhaps just a little bit cynical of me. People think the English countryside is somehow immutable, that you can neglect it and it&rsquo;ll still be glorious. In fact it is very much a man-made object, and you have to maintain it just as you maintain old churches and old buildings. If that&rsquo;s what you want, you have to pay for it.&rdquo; peptopro van dsm The total number of U.S. households with $1 million or morein assets, not including a primary residence, was estimated at 9million in 2012, according to Spectrem Group, a Chicago,Illinois-based research firm that tracks affluence, up from 8.6million in 2011. cheap hydroxyzine for dogs When you finally get in, you&rsquo;re supposed to sit on an upturned crate to eat chips from a tiny tin bucket and meat served on a misshapen wooden board or hunk of slate, while drinking out of a jam jar. What&rsquo;s next? Perching on &ldquo;reclaimed&rdquo; toilets? Dog bowls or upturned Frisbees for crockery? &ldquo;Pre-loved&rdquo; syringes instead of cutlery? The scenesters with whom you&rsquo;ve been forced to share a table spend more time Instagramming their dinner to post on social networks (inevitable caption: &ldquo;nom&rdquo;) than they do eating it.

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