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■2514356  lCYwsdyEUKRn 
□投稿者/ Mauro -(2016/09/26(Mon) 19:55:03) [ID:lLlDbfTW]

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NEW YORK, Aug 5 (Reuters) - Stocks on Wall Street pulledback from record levels on Monday, while the dollar fell againstthe yen as investors weighed the likelihood of when the FederalReserve will pare back its economic stimulus program. can prozac worsen ocd Correlation books include hangovers from the structuredcredit bubble such as synthetic CDOs, which epitomised the kindof excessive financial engineering that prevailed in the run-upto the financial crisis. Despite some firms suffering heavylosses on these books in 2008, most opted to keep hold of themrather than selling at fire-sale prices.

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