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■2660438  sQlVIuUqWLboSDxx 
□投稿者/ Raymond -(2016/10/02(Sun) 14:43:08) [ID:OLeQksZY]

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These are my opinions: Hillary Clinton was a terrible Senator, First Lady, and Secretary of State. Look at how the US is perceived by the rest of the world at this time. The perception is very bad and it is her fault. While in the White House her husband, B. J. Clinton &#8211; then President, sodomized a young lady with a cigar and had engaged in bizarre acts cheating on his wife, embarrassing his daughter and disgracing our country. He then lied about it while under oath. Do you want these two back in the White House with the potential of repeating these activities? Letテ「ツツ冱 not forget Hillary would not answer important questions about the Benghazi massacre and provided a disgraceful performance at the inquiry. Remember these words of Hillary&#8217;s &#8220;At this point what difference does it make?&#8221; Show what difference all of these things make by NOT allowing her in any office or federal position EVER again. buy viagra online canada only
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