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■3987436  HyfTqyhnSdNGB 
□投稿者/ Rodney -(2016/11/07(Mon) 20:18:13) [ID:aaktRE0U]

Gloomy tales liquid quiver funciona "I concluded that the proposals that Google sent to us are not enough to overcome our concerns," European Competition Commissioner Joaquin Almunia told a news conference on Wednesday, adding that he has asked Google to present better proposals. viagreen capsule in hindi These comments are disgusting and, surprise surprise, they look like they&#039;re all written by men. When your real-life well-being is compromised by the content in these games (hint: it will never be, because video games don&#039;t condone sexually assaulting and raping men&#8211;unlike sexually assaulting women), then your input will be valid. As it stands, the last thing my generation needs is more reinforcement that rape jokes are o.k. and assault is comical. I&#039;m soooo thrilled that this game continues to lessen the odds of me safely being able to go outside at night, to walk down a city street without getting catcalled, and to not get raped in general. You may claim these small quips have no impact on the "real world," but coupled with the sexist elements present not only in many other video games, but also the movies, music, and television with which we are constantly bombarded; they add up to one huge impact on the way we think, speak, and act.

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