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■4088660  RKlwJeXccK 
□投稿者/ Brooke -(2016/11/10(Thu) 01:47:00) [ID:1fGD71ty]

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But it's Hank's ruse of the fake barrel of money in the fake desert that takes Heisenberg down once and for all (or would have, if it weren't for Uncle Jack). Hank triumphantly points out to Walt that he found a chink in his usual attention-to-detail armor: He knew that Walt would be so panicked over the potential loss of his money that he wouldn't notice the dirt didn't match the area where the cash is actually buried. He completely out-bullshitted the master bullshitter, as a matter of fact, cutting off Walt's loathsome Andrea/Brock fake-out at the knees. And Walt's total loss of cool and control as he speeds toward the burial site, screaming murder confessions into his tapped phone all the while, finally trumped by two people he long considered his intellectual inferiors, was nearly as viscerally thrilling to watch as it probably was for Hank and Jesse and Gomez to experience first-hand.

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