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■875533  oLJmuqhRrmxetiNBA 
□投稿者/ Stevie -(2015/09/24(Thu) 13:52:56) [ID:8Yl8X0EA]

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<a href=" ">what to do with expired prescription drugs</a> When a glass dome displaying a pair of Queen Victoria&rsquo;s gloves was opened recently, a pair of Prince Albert&rsquo;s gloves was found beneath them &ndash; along with a letter from the Prince Consort. The family had always known that Victoria visited Burghley both as a teenager (you can still see the camp-bed she slept on because her mother insisted her daughter share her room) and as Queen, but this letter displays a greater intimacy than expected. In it the Prince suggests to the second Marquess (the Cecils were promoted from earls to marquesses in 1789 &ndash; on William&rsquo;s death in 1598 his son Thomas was created first Earl of Exeter) that he name his new daughter Victoria, and that he, Prince Albert, should be her &ldquo;sponsor&rdquo; (godfather).
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