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■1158996  bmkyZtSKZjDg 
□投稿者/ Bryant -(2016/03/20(Sun) 02:43:57) [ID:rQSvSxxj]

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Scott Walker, the conservative governor of Wisconsin, triumphed over an effort to recall him, exposing the process as the massive waste of time that it often is. Walker was democratically elected in a free and fair contest and then proceeded to mount an anti-union agenda that horrified his opponents. Fair enough. If the state's residents didn't like it, they could lobby their state legislators to overrule the governor, or start mounting a campaign to defeat him in the next election. Instead, they began a recall effort &ndash; winning by getting enough signatures to have a recall election, then losing by failing to recall him. Polls at the time showed that some residents simply didn't like the idea of a recall &ndash; and they have a strong point. how long does cialis really work Speaking with reporters Monday after the Schneider court hearing, Troy, a former state attorney general, articulated his first public defense of the governor and responded to charges that the first family inappropriately used mansion resources. buy liquid kamagra Fayhan al-Ghamdi, who often preached on television, was convicted of beating his daughter Lama with canes, burning her with electrical cables, crushing her skull and tearing off her nails. She was also raped repeatedly and died months later in a Saudi hospital. annual sales for viagra Should Shuanghui complete the transaction, Smithfield would be de-listed from the New York Stock Exchange. The people familiar with the matter said the combined Smithfield-Shuanghui operation is being valued at around $20 billion, meaning an IPO of around 20 percent of the group would be worth around $4 billion. levitra no prescription uk
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