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■1192088  xxBpeVUDmZLZhK 
□投稿者/ Franklin -(2016/03/26(Sat) 13:00:25) [ID:vb74D8J5]

I've got a full-time job cat costa o cutie de arcoxia Yes, particularly if it lasts a few days or more. If you&#8217;re one of the 800,000 federal workers who are deemed as non-essential, you will be directly affected immediately and not report to work. But the implications go well beyond Washington. If you&#8217;re applying for a passport or visa, you will likely be out of luck. First-time home buyers looking for a mortgage will be delayed because the Federal Housing Administration will be closed. And the 401 national parks will be off-limits starting Tuesday morning. The biggest fear for hundreds of thousands of federal workers &#8212; and members of the military &#8212; will be if they receive back pay. In the last shutdown nearly two decades ago, workers received lost wages. That&#8217;s not guaranteed this time. And why everyone should care: a shutdown will cost, not save, taxpayers&#8217; money. A study from the Office of Management and Budget puts the overall economic price tag for a shutdown around $2 billion. seroquel generic price
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