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■1703278  OFbNcBHANVL 
□投稿者/ Bryant -(2016/07/02(Sat) 05:08:04) [ID:XsDTfJUM]

It's serious <a href=" ">where can i buy rogaine foam in canada</a> After a few months working on the 42nd floor of One New York Plaza (at the time the site of Goldman但ツツ冱 main equity trading floor and once the site of the old Salomon Brothers trading floor) Serge came to the conclusion that the best thing they could do with Goldman但ツツ冱 high-frequency-trading platform was to scrap it altogether and build a new one from scratch. His bosses weren但ツツ冲 interested. 但ツツ弋he business model of Goldman Sachs was if there is an opportunity to make money right away, let但ツツ冱 do that,但ツツ he says. 但ツツ廝ut if there was something long-term, they weren但ツツ冲 that interested.但ツツ Something would change in the stock market (an exchange would introduce a new, complicated rule, for instance), and that change would create an immediate opportunity to make money. 但ツツ弋hey但ツツ囘 want to do it immediately,但ツツ says Serge. 但ツツ廝ut if you think about it, it但ツツ冱 just patching the existing system, constantly. The existing code base becomes an elephant that但ツツ冱 difficult to maintain.但ツツ

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