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■1716597  rfhhwLrJPcYwidvG 
□投稿者/ Rickey -(2016/07/05(Tue) 01:12:35) [ID:r1eLyW0k]

Will I get paid for overtime? vaso ultra video The late Sherwin Rosen elaborated on this insight, developing the contribution of 但ツツ彿mperfect substitution但ツツ and scale to superstar economics. Imperfect substitution means that you "would rather listen to one song by your favorite singer than a song and a half by someone else. Or, in another context, it means that if you need to have heart surgery, you would rather have the best surgeon in Cleveland perform it rather than the second and third best together.但ツツ In the corporate context, a board of directors would sooner pay $100 million for the best possible CEO than $10 million for the second best, on the presumption that the additional $90 million is a pittance relative to the additional value the best CEO can create for a multinational company. thyroid health formula "But if the ruling party gets 40 percent or better at the national level, it could still claim to have a strong enough mandate to pressure the opposition into a bargain allowing the third-term amendment."

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