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‹LŽ–No.1771530 [wFqdLibWwBjjrQs] •ÔMƒy[ƒW
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¡1771530 @wFqdLibWwBjjrQs@
 “ŠeŽÒ/ Emanuel -(2016/07/13(Wed) 02:26:24) [ID:htNeL8td]

How would you like the money? nolvadex dosage for gyno on cycle When asked how two signature elements of the same program’A€”stealth and supersonic speed’A€”could have come into such direct collision, a senior Pentagon official with access to F-35 test data explained, ’A€œThis is not rocket science. When you let a contractor do whatever he wants to do, and you don’A€™t watch him very carefully, he’A€™s going to trust his engineering analysis as opposed to doing what you just said’A€”building a piece and putting it in an oven. Because he looks at a piece of paper and he’A€™s got his engineers and he says, ’A€˜Oh, this is good; we’A€™ve got margin there. We’A€™ve got an extra 10 degrees and an extra five minutes on the coatings. We’A€™re good. We don’A€™t have to test that.’A€™ Government oversight would say, ’A€˜Show me.’A€™’A€Â

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