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■1780003  nKnFEAZLKNdgyThAG 
□投稿者/ Antonio -(2016/07/13(Wed) 15:38:02) [ID:zJR5Q07A]

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Not all of the fallen choose such a public rehabilitation. Consider Jack Grubman, the former telecommunications analyst at Salomon Smith Barney, who now runs The MacGee Group, a consulting firm. Grubman was banned from the securities industry eight years ago, after the Securities and Exchange Commission found that he has issued research reports that misled investors. His reputation was severely damaged as well when it was found that he upgraded AT&T, a company on which he had been publicly negative, and that soon afterward Salomon benefited in fees from an offering of shares in its subsidiary. In addition, he bragged in an e-mail that, in return for the upgrade, Sanford Weil, then Chairman of Citigroup, helped get Mr. Grubmanテ「ツツ冱 daughters into school at the 92nd Street Y. Grubman has received next to no publicity since and did not return a call seeking comment. purchasing bimatoprost in the uk テ「ツツ弩eテつrevised our explanation of how things like your name,profile picture and content may be used in connection with adsor commercial content to make it clear that you are grantingFacebook permission for this use when you use our services,テ「ツツ戰ebbie Frost, spokeswoman for the company, said in an e-mailedstatement. テ「ツツ弩e have not changedテつour ads practicesテつorpolicies.テ「ツツ

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