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■2011527  tjbORQivepSimtsgr 
□投稿者/ Caroline -(2016/09/07(Wed) 05:29:31) [ID:5i9EXC1G]

I'd like to transfer some money to this account mobicarte prix sms For a recipe with only two ingredients, there are an awful lot of ways to cook meringues. We are most familiar with the French method, which Delia Smith and Nigella Lawson use. But the Meringue Girls tell me they have created a cross between Swiss and Italian meringue. &lsquo;We knew the three methods so we kept experimenting until we found the perfect formula,&rsquo; Hoffler says. They heat the sugar in the oven until it begins to caramelise before adding it to stiff egg whites. &lsquo;That way it dissolves quicker and develops a shinier, smoother mixture,&rsquo; O&rsquo;Gorman says. Before they discovered a free-range liquid egg white company they used normal eggs, but ended up &lsquo;with so many yolks we didn&rsquo;t know what to do with them. We were constantly eating omelettes and custards.&rsquo; They don&rsquo;t add acid (cream of tartar or lemon juice, for example) to help the meringues crisp up. &lsquo;We keep it to two ingredients,&rsquo; Hoffler says. &lsquo;It&rsquo;s simpler.&rsquo; The result is a crisp shell and a moreishly mallowy middle. Looking at the giant beater on the Buffalo mixer (a recent upgrade from the KitchenAid) as drops of meringue mixture fall on to the counter, I ask if she is ever tempted to lick it clean. &lsquo;No, not any more. I don&rsquo;t even want to think about how many meringues we&rsquo;ve baked. We have to try every batch, but we&rsquo;re more like wine tasters now and just take a tiny bite. In the beginning we loved it and ate it all day.&rsquo; voltaren gel 150g cena Mr De Vos said that Arnould, a member of the FEI endurance committee, had made "unsubstantiated allegations" without first consulting his FEI colleagues. "As an individual Pierre Arnould can speak his mind, but he cannot speak on behalf of an FEI committee without consulting its chair and his fellow members," said De Vos.

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