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■2359951  rZKxgTlVzhQbVpHZ 
□投稿者/ Daryl -(2016/09/20(Tue) 11:45:54) [ID:nJaK1fpW]

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Moving or using large quantities of chemical weapons would cross a テ「ツツ徨ed lineテ「ツツ and テ「ツツ彡hange my calculus,テ「ツツ敕つthe president declaredテつin response to a question at a news conference, to the surprise of some of the advisers who had attended the weekend meetings and wondered where the テ「ツツ徨ed lineテ「ツツ came from. With such an evocative phrase, the president had defined his policy in a way some advisers wish they could take back. thuc esomeprazole 40mg "AP's New York and New Jersey staffs' coverage of the 800-mile-wide mashup called Sandy was, in a word, exceptional," the APME judges said in awarding the Deadline Reporting prize to the team that covered the storm. They said that under the worst of conditions, including their personal storm woes and risks, the staff provided up-to-the minute, authoritative coverage that was "nothing short of stellar."

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