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■2709271  SvGagSIwKLXvpVXe 
□投稿者/ Benedict -(2016/10/04(Tue) 12:56:28) [ID:8z7yMM7t]

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</a> Fourth, President Barack Obama will face, as he did in pushing Mubarak from power in early 2011, another complex juggling act in balancing competing American interests in the weeks ahead. On the one hand, he will have to secure the concrete security priorities 但ツツ peace with Israel, Iran and terrorism 但ツツ and on the other to stay true to the democratic ideals that have always been important to Americans and their role in the world. Maintaining a close, working relationship with Egypt但ツツ冱 generals is the best way to secure our concrete interests. But, relying in the long term on their authoritarian instincts is at odds with the democratic ideals that lie at the heart of our role in the world. President Obama clearly recognizes this dilemma. He will not be the first or last American president to be challenged by a struggle between our principles and our concrete interests. But, he will surely have to confront again this basic choice in deciding how best to work with Egypt.
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