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■2831165  bJcCdOJRgggcHD 
□投稿者/ Foster -(2016/10/07(Fri) 15:35:37) [ID:kqBceJxU]

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SOUTH AFRICA - Africa's biggest economy may need to build 20 GWof new coal-fired capacity over the coming decades, the WorldResources Institute estimates. State power producer Eskom thinksthe world's fifth-largest coal exporter will need an extra 60million tonnes a year of the fuel by 2020 to meet extra domesticdemand . amitriptyline for nerve pain and alcohol "Thisis an important part of the results because it shows these animals arecoming back to the area to feed," said the study's principalinvestigator Bob Hueter, director of Mote's Center for Shark Research."They're not just wandering around aimlessly in the Gulf of Mexico andthe Caribbean, following whatever is out there. They navigate tospecific points for things like feeding and breeding." cytotec to induce labor 2014
A last-ditch effort over the weekend by the Sunni Muslim world&#8217;s pre-eminent religious institution, Al-Azhar, also failed to push the two sides closer to reconciliation. Mass rallies two weeks ago called by military leader Gen. Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi showed that a large segment of Egypt&#8217;s population backs action by the armed forces.

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