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■3128741  GlFEzKduTikBn 
□投稿者/ Arturo -(2016/10/23(Sun) 00:20:07) [ID:IYU4Hgfu]

I work with computers <a href=" ">imigran op recept</a> 2011 - RIM launches PlayBook, which is panned for lacking coreBlackBerry functions such as email and organizer functions. Itlater books a writedown on unsold PlayBook inventory. Companyslashes financial forecasts, the first of many revisions, whichit then misses. Says will slash more than 10 percent of itsworkforce. Resists investor pressure for co-CEOs Mike Lazaridisand Jim Balsillie to step down. Offers to manage rival devicesincluding Apple's iPhone and iPad. Delays its QNX-basedBlackBerry 10 phones until late 2012.2012 - Lazaridis and Balsillie step down as co-chief executivesand chairmen. Thorsten Heins appointed CEO and Barbara Stymiestnamed chair of the board. Heins promises overhaul, says RIM willno longer issue financial forecasts. RIM hires bankers to assistwith strategic review, delays BlackBerry 10 again, until early2013. Shares hit lowest level in nearly a decade.
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