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■3134558  zGOYtSjDScEmaGSY 
□投稿者/ Clark -(2016/10/23(Sun) 13:40:49) [ID:9mBE4sml]

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</a> People should not start a war or revolution unless they are prepared to accept all the casualties that are inevitable in such wars. For Syria to experience the same death rate as Americans did in our own civil war would mean 488,000 Syrian&#8217;s dying and the country being set back decades in economic development. It was not reasonable for the rebels to expect US close military support given the shaky outcome in Libya where there were only two major sides to the conflict with the Libyan dictator. Assad is a terrible person who has done little for his nation as well, but that can describe a lot of modern day dictators, and the USA is not going to try to depose them all. The cost in lives and wealth would be unacceptable AND as Afghanistan proved the weapons we provide even those described at the time as Freedom Fighters come back to haunt the US later.
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