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-- When NBA owners convene in nine days for their annual meetings, they’A€™re bound to approve a change in the Finals format, with the current 2-3-2 system about to be scrapped and the old 2-2-1-1-1 format, that was used through 1984, being reinstated. David Stern’A€™s competition committee has already OK’A€™d the change, meaning it’A€™s pretty much assured of happening. But it’A€™s unknown if the change will start this coming June. ’A€œIt was very difficult to beat a team three times in a row,’A€ said Clippers coach Doc Rivers, part of the competition committee who coached the Celtics to two Finals. ’A€œI don’A€™t want to say it’A€™s unfair, that would be too strong of a word. But that’A€™s a tough format.’A€Â skelaxin abuse potential
My belief is that, behind closed doors, Klinsmann thinks so, too. But when I pressed him on it publicly Sunday, Klinsmann wouldn't go far enough to say Donovan has made it all the way back. Not quite yet. Codes and everything.

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