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■3490519  dsPHMaBwTTqxkFADmJ 
□投稿者/ Kristopher -(2016/10/30(Sun) 19:27:29) [ID:FrYa88f0]

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Julie Chen spent all summer hosting 'Big Brother' while her baby bump grew and grew. But after giving birth to son Charlie Moonves on Sept. 24, the CBS morning show host didn't waste any time losing the baby weight. The TV personality, nicknamed 'The Chenbot' by fans because she never appears to age, showed off her slim figure at the Los Angeles premiere of 'Extraordinary Measures' on Jan. 19, 2010. rogaine foam online shopping Simon Opie, the chief executive of the Hastings Pier Charity, explained to the Today programme's Evan Davis that "The company is a community benefit society, so it remains a charity in law and it's run for the benefit of the community and for charitable purpose."

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