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■3534109  QbLIJaxwlPJDzYAv 
□投稿者/ Daryl -(2016/10/31(Mon) 12:33:17) [ID:23Lv1r4F]

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The train involved, made by Bombardier and Talgo, was aseries 730 that Renfe uses for its Alvia service, which isfaster than conventional trains but slower than AVE trains thatcriss-cross Spain at even higher speeds. shatavari untuk pcos The company has run into problems despite conducting up to20 internal audits in China each year, resulting in the sackingof dozens of staff for misconduct. In 2012, GSK dismissed 312staff for policy violations worldwide, according to its annualCorporate Responsibility report, of which 56 were in China.

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