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■3656518  XxzauLVrRBxxpVp 
□投稿者/ Marcel -(2016/11/02(Wed) 13:26:32) [ID:cbfq8hKd]

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The consensus is that human and robotics missions can be carefully planned together to provide the maximum value for the cost. Robotics can do preliminary reconnaissance at proposed site, collect samples from distant locations and return them to a central point for pickup, deliver payload packages for later use by astronauts, and continue to monitor the area after humans have left. GSCテ「ツツ冱 own robotics landers can actually place a second lander at maximum walking distance from a manned landing location, allowing humans to cover more ground, stay significantly longer, return two payloads, and come back after a long EVA to the unmanned lander. Humans can deploy as much equipment in a few days as robotic landers can do in months. Robots have returned less than a kg of material from the moon, while a manned mission can easily return over 50 kg. Most importantly, a well-trained human can take advantage of everything he sees as he moves on the surface. Although current photographic coverage is much better than that used for Apollo, astronauts will still notice things that weren't obvious from the photos. The ability to investigate an anomaly in real time is one of the most valuable capacities humans bring to space. where can i buy omeprazole in singapore Last month, the Prime Minister agreed to include legislation to introduce a transferable tax allowance in the Autumn Statement, which would come into effect 2014-2015. The law would allow one spouse, who cares for the children, to transfer their personal tax allowance to their partner.

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