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■3809331  jcGBmRzuAbgIpi 
□投稿者/ Dwayne -(2016/11/05(Sat) 01:56:32) [ID:5bGQq8k2]

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Savings across the group went according to plan, it said. Savings at its hygiene operations reached an annual rate of 110 million crowns in the quarter. SCA aims at 300 million annually from 2015 onwards. vaso ultra or longinexx Let's start with some kudos: The report, written by U.N. experts under what are quite literally combat conditions, is a model of careful work by scientists working under hazardous conditions and pitiless deadlines. We should all commend the U.N. team for its courage, rigor, and care. They take a restrained, legalistic approach, reporting strictly what they have observed and measured in the field and then tested in the laboratory, examining debris from Syria in separate chemical laboratories certified by the U.N.'sツOrganization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weaponsツfor the detection of chemical agents. The U.N. experts clearly tie the use of chemical agents, particularly sarin nerve gas (called "chemical agent GB" in the appendixes of the report), to particular artillery rocket fragments found in the Damascus suburbs after the shelling on August 21.

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