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■393475  QXNDRmVCgOLXE 
□投稿者/ James -(2014/09/24(Wed) 04:55:26) [ID:AuyGJGSH]

Which team do you support? <a href=" ">grab left medical residency personal statement writing services jew hillside</a> And another thing但ツ側what about that ex-MP and Labour donor Jamaican Barbara Follett branded "The Expenses Queen" 但ツ側what但ツツ冱 she after但ツ側to import more cheap immigrant labour to drive down even further the living standards of the poor但ツ側 or a peerage?但ツ側 Follett is a typical Labour supporting champagne socialist with two properties in London, one in Knebworth, a property in Cape Town and a holiday home in Antigua但ツ側But even with all her wealth she still found time to rip the taxpayer off with her テq。1,600 expences claim for window cleaning in a single year, her テq。25,000 for private security patrols at her home and a テq。120,000 claim for a London flat when she ALREADY had a home in London但ツ側Has the Labour supporter learnt nothing after 13 years of wreck and ruin但ツ側do they not realise that Labour is no longer the voice of the working class but a criminal gang of thieves? Vote Labour and get third world living standards但ツ側Vote UKIP and get the criminals out of government and your jobs and country back.

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