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■4570028  xztPlGQscpoqtrmLI 
□投稿者/ Benjamin -(2016/11/20(Sun) 13:17:37) [ID:QFuiWsrc]

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"The security council must be prepared to act next week for the international community to stand up and speak out in the strongest possible terms about the importance of enforceable action to rid the world of Syria's chemical weapons," Kerry said. "The world is watching to see whether we can avert military action and achieve through peaceful means even more than what those military strikes promised." voltaren schmerzgel forte 150 g preisvergleich versandkostenfrei Separately on Friday, the two rebel groups - the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (Isis), linked to al-Qaeda, and the larger Western-backed Free Syrian Army - agreed a truce in Azaz, near the Turkish border.

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