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■4633041  CSAHRNjZWtZfaRKvXi 
□投稿者/ Wilford -(2016/11/21(Mon) 18:43:34) [ID:Y5x2yLZK]

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Now this is getting downright cartoonish. Katy Perry may be too sexy for 'Sesame Street,' but puppets in Springfield want to make it clear they appreciate the singer's assets. 'In the wake of Elmo&#146;s terrible betrayal, the Simpsons puppets wish to announce they stand felt-shoulder-to-shoulder with Katy Perry,' Al Jean, an executive producer of The Simpsons, told Entertainment Weekly. Perry, whose duet with Elmo was cut from Sesame Street after parents complained the singer showed too much skin, will get a second chance to sing with puppets this winter as a guest-star on 'The Simpsons.' coreg cr 10mg price "They're trying to sell millions of people something that they've already shown they don't want 但ツ側 and they're trying to do it in a very confused and politically polarized atmosphere," he said. "They don't realize what they've got themselves into." prosolution official website &#8220;A young charismatic leader rose up, talking about hope and change,&#8221; Rafael Cruz said in a veiled reference to President Obama&#8217;s 2008 campaign themes. &#8220;His name was Fidel Castro.&#8221;

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