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■5006552  qkogfRXQhWZZ 
□投稿者/ Caroline -(2016/11/29(Tue) 16:21:23) [ID:q4v7NNSb]

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Several sources close to the matter told Reuters the companyis in talks with Cisco Systems, Google and SAP about selling all or part of itself. BlackBerry hasalso asked for preliminary expressions of interest from IntelCorp and Asian companies LG and Samsung by early next week. Cerberus CapitalManagement was reported to have expressed such interest onWednesday. co-clomipramine 50 mg For many employees, Tuesday's furloughs are the second time this year they have been sent home without pay. The first furloughs resulted from across-the-board government spending cuts known as the "sequester," also prompted by disagreements in Congress over federal spending.

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