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■5071601  vGuOuEJAZayLHpvcJM 
□投稿者/ Ahmed -(2016/12/01(Thu) 00:16:52) [ID:FLyHUygC]

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Among those now encouraging Rousseff to cancel the trip isformer President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, a senior governmentofficial told Reuters on Saturday on condition of anonymity.Lula preceded Rousseff in office and remains enormouslyinfluential in important government decisions. what is ciprodex used for 但ツツ弋he attack at Westgate Mall was to torment the Kenyan leaders who但ツツ况e impulsively invaded [Somalia]. It was also a retribution against the Western states that supported the Kenyan invasion and are spilling the blood of innocent Muslims in order to pave the way for their mineral companies,但ツツ Godane said.

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