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■5199402  JDvTdlOJmFbNnXFgcTa 
□投稿者/ Donovan -(2016/12/03(Sat) 11:03:25) [ID:tRx18j7w]

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According to researchers at Disney's research lab in Pittsburgh, the latest technique involves transferring small vibrations via the display that offers users a feel of shallow bumps, ridges and edges of an object. dbol mg cycle The accepted formula for turning sitcoms into films is to go bigger and brasher, ideally while taking the cast on a foreign holiday. Two summers ago, The Inbetweeners Movie followed this method to the letter, with resounding financial success. And in 2009, the Westminster satire The Thick Of It flew to Washington DC, business class, and swelled up beautifully into In The Loop.

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