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■5440332  fqHeTDgMSajmqZqBv 
□投稿者/ Sebastian -(2017/01/18(Wed) 16:43:58) [ID:9H1UXJkH]

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&ldquo;I remember years ago, coming out here to the Golden Globes, and turning up in a tuxedo, being very excited. Then I saw Pierce Brosnan walk by, and I thought, &lsquo;Wow, he looks good.&rsquo; Then I looked down and saw my fly had burst open, and some underwear was being exposed to Pierce and the other Hollywood stars.&rdquo; Merchant borrowed a safety pin from Jane Fallon, Ricky Gervais&rsquo;s long-time girlfriend. &ldquo;It&rsquo;s not like just because you get on TV your fly stops bursting open at the wrong moment. That&rsquo;s who I always was, and that is who I remain today.&rdquo; can cipro treat tooth infection Sport is heatedly debated, politics perhaps less so in this country - suspicion of who is hearing what remains a hangover from the civil war when careless talk cost lives. Few have the stomach or wish to risk more conflict - one of many plausible explanations as to why the Arab Spring went largely unnoticed in Algeria.

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