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■546218  lsaZBOyxaDWQvvzl 
□投稿者/ Mauricio -(2015/05/11(Mon) 00:40:04) [ID:UaHFnPoF]

magic story very thanks <a href=" ">generic poxet</a> The fact that the drug did not produce significant improvements in the studyテ「ツツ冱 main outcome may be because the study had to be stopped early, and was not large enough to show an effect. The researchers had calculated that they would need 66 patients to show an effect of the size they expected, but they only managed to enroll 49 people. The authors note that longer term follow up is needed to confirm the findings, as there is quite a lot of variability between people with type 1 diabetes in how fast they lose their insulin producing cells in the year after diagnosis. The studyテ「ツツ冱 participants are being followed up, with assessments planned at 18 months and two years. They also note that larger trials of alefacept or similar drugs in type 1 diabetes are needed.

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