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■5587715  TqjfZTquKmXof 
□投稿者/ Mitchell -(2017/01/23(Mon) 18:52:21) [ID:JUFS4X3H]

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It always bothered me that after these incidents the citizens of Richmond stand in line at Kaiser and then at offices set up by Chevron to receive their &#8220;settlement&#8221; checks of a couple of thousand dollars . . . like slowly dying cattle. My friends always thought I was crazy when I said that we (the citizens of Richmond) should sue Chevron for $1,000,000 per household of each and every Richmond citizen. There are 36,000 households in Richmond CA. $36B should be enough of a fine to make them take this stuff seriously. zenofem mg This comes from our ad serving technology and is used to track how many times you have seen a particular ad on our sites, so that you don't just see one advert but an even spread. This information is not used by us for any other type of audience recording or monitoring. karnel valium The latest attacks will increase tensions in Tripoli between the Sunni Muslim majority, which supports opposition fighters in Syria, and its Alawite community that remains loyal to the Syrian president. phentermine with no markings To be clear, in my home we aren't nutritional puritans, and we most assuredly do buy and eat some processed foods. We're not scared of "chemicals," we don't go out of our way to eat "organic," and we aren't folks who would have you believe that kale chips taste as good as real ones. We simply try to do our own personal best and, in so doing, we try to eat and serve those foods 但ツツ actual foods 但ツツ with a healthy evidence base behind them as often as we can.

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