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■6026693  qWCVodqGIyl 
□投稿者/ Patrick -(2017/02/05(Sun) 17:38:27) [ID:B8E5yUDU]

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The SEC says Schwartz was ACA's main point of contact withTourre and Paulson & Co, and that she understood Paulson wouldbe an equity investor in Abacus. Paulson earned around $1billion shorting the deal, while investors lost about the sameamount, the SEC says. tabletki zocor cena "Originally we had thought about doing some unique story-book like invitations, but they just weren但ツツ冲 in the budget. This was the next best way we could think of to get our personalities across in the invites," Kerr told the Daily News. "We wanted people to open the invitations, laugh, have fun interacting with them and say 'that's so Katie and Chris!'"

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