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■6068559  fTRvYnxkFfpp 
□投稿者/ Kenny -(2017/02/15(Wed) 00:08:10) [ID:tehPOZ8d]

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May he rest in peace.但ツツ rapaflo prostate drug B.S U.S. businesses are gouging consumers big time they keep raising prices far more than the government is willing to admit when I moved into my 3 bedroom apartment in North Raleigh, NC it was a good deal at 609 dollars per month plus utilities 4 and a half years later I am paying 853 dollars per month plus utilities, my electric bill in this apartment 4 and a half years ago was a little over 120 a month on the average now is slightly over 200 dollars per month on the average, the very same type of used car that 5 years ago cost me 3000 dollars is now close to 10000 dollars, 5 years ago I could feed my family of 5 for about 120 a week now I can not leave the grocery store for less than 200 dollars per week, clothing and school supplies are equally ridiculous and yet the government has the audacity to comment that inflation of our economy has only risen 1.7 % one year the year before that they claimed 0 inflation and I think this year our mathematical wizards in washington are claiming an inflation rate of just 1.3 % simple math escapes this countries leaders no wonder we keep getting our buts kicked by a bunch of cave dwellers&#8230;

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