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■6147119  aMWVasPmKEZnoNyt 
□投稿者/ Linwood -(2017/02/25(Sat) 22:36:42) [ID:eED12ODb]

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To accomplish this, Thicke但ツツ冱 new album takes far more from pop melody than earlier releases, rendering his prior, bass-driven R&B focus secondary. Even the ballads veer from harder soul ambitions to glide on blithe melody. Songs like 但ツツ廣in但ツツ冲 No Hat 4 That但ツツ and 但ツツ廨et in My Way但ツツ have that horn-pumped, 但ツツ70s funk-soul vibe of Earth, Wind and Fire, while 但ツツ廾oo La La但ツツ works off a piano line that could be some lost cousin to Carole King但ツツ冱 但ツツ廬 Feel the Earth Move.但ツツ

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