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■6188367  cMHnBAmTwovxv 
□投稿者/ Donald -(2017/03/01(Wed) 01:59:22) [ID:8feqaARv]

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Air France-KLM may want to follow the example of Lufthansa, which uses Vienna and Zurich to feed its long-haul flights out of its Frankfurt and Munich hubs, analysts said. Alitalia could also be used for point-to-point routes bypassing Air France-KLM's two main hubs, possibly linking Rome with the east coast of the United States and parts of Africa. flexiver meloxicam 15 mg para que sirve In the next year, industry insiders say the technology will be available all over-- from banks to airports. That means instead of entering your pin number, you can gain access to an ATM in a blink. Used in an airport, the system will analyze your iris as you pass through security, identifying and welcoming you by name.

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