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■6865942  GRtrSFiICtN 
□投稿者/ Landon -(2017/05/28(Sun) 01:45:01) [ID:wScdMTDv]

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</a> The mention of Blair is unsurprising, if arguably a little exaggerated. The mention of Thatcher seems stranger. In fact it is highly relevant. As every red-blooded Europhobe knows, this autumn sees the 25th anniversary of Margaret Thatcherテ「ツツ冱 Bruges Speech, often seen as the starting point of the Tory backbench slide towards one in favour of withdrawal, or at least of withdrawal unless substantial powers are clawed back from Brussels. The Bruges Group, founded within a few months of the speech being delivered and, while retaining close links with the Conservatives, was also an intellectual mainspring of both Sir James Goldsmithテ「ツツ冱 short-lived Referendum Party, and Ukip itself.
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