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■6986662  qeVGhSfnKaECGZpXVK 
□投稿者/ Adalberto -(2017/06/11(Sun) 15:26:05) [ID:xhnlKUMG]

I'd like to send this letter by should you buy clomid online Amid the heat of battle with CBS, Time Warner Cable is also in a brawl with Fox Sports 1, which launches this Saturday 但ツツ but apparently not on TWC, which remains in 但ツツ彗ctive discussions但ツツ with the fledgling sports channel. ciprofloxacin tinidazole indications The government gets sued for breaching contracts with the defense industry? SO WHAT. Let the military industrial complex take care of itself. It is not our job to subsidize it or the militaries of fascists and failed states. We are the United States of America. If that means anything whatsoever, at the very least it ought to mean doing the right thing, which we are not doing, and have not been doing for decades. The gravy train for these foreign militaries and garbage governments has to stop. Apparently, our government has seen fit that it would be very painful to stop; that does not mean we shouldn&#8217;t. Some dude assembling tanks in Ohio or whatever loses a job, sure. Meanwhile, scores of jobless people are being shot in Egypt. So I say- if you are someone who believes in collective responsibility, it&#8217;s time to take ownership for the people getting shot in Egypt, likely with our own stuff. Or, you just just not believe in muscling into every global situation because you can.

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