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■7247515  PVrltPgdGsr 
□投稿者/ Neville -(2017/06/28(Wed) 23:58:05) [ID:J8vjiIXG]

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NEW YORK, Aug 15 (Reuters) - Oil prices rose on both sidesof the Atlantic on Thursday and Brent hit a four-month high onfears that escalating violence in Egypt could affect the SuezCanal or spread across the Middle East, where supplies alreadyface disruptions. 50 mg trazodone high It was the only run the right-hander permitted --- and it still wasn&rsquo;t good enough, as the Yankees lineup came up empty in a 1-0 loss to the Rays Saturday in The Bronx. The Yankees have now lost three of four with one more game against Tampa Bay before beginning an eight-game road trip. www kamagra 100 com pl VILNIUS - The European Union's foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton said on Saturday the EU's 28 nations agreed that available information seemed to show strong evidence that the Syrian government carried out a chemical attack on civilians in August.

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