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■7986761  tjnGnhEVcJY 
□投稿者/ Isabelle -(2017/10/03(Tue) 17:00:03) [ID:ZKj1Q3oW]

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&ldquo;We created a shirt that everyone in the country for some wonderful reason wanted to wear. It was during the period of Acid House and Garage, and they wore these bright acidy colour shirts. These particular shirts had a really nice soft feel. Even to this day I remember it. kamagra oral gel 100mg The way in which republicans are alienating minorities, ignoring job growth, generally obstructing any government progress through the misuse of the filibuster, pissing off most females by trying to control their vagina's and OBSTRUCTING their health care, I doubt that the Republitards will be regaining any national seats any time soon. Furthermore, when the advantages gained through gerrymandering are gone, the GOP will be exiled to history's trash heap where it belongs.

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