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■8335449  oBBmhjGeqjYE 
□投稿者/ Malik -(2017/11/14(Tue) 02:12:46) [ID:EyeLWTHp]

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Northrop's upbeat assessment came hours after acting Air Force Secretary Eric Fanning signaled that the Air Force would again seek to mothball the fleet of Block 30 Global Hawks in favor of its manned U2 spy planes despite new data showing that the cost per flight hour had declined by more than half since 2010. Lawmakers have so far rebuffed those efforts, but budget pressures are mounting. precio rogaine 5
"Someone removed the fastening that kept the glass case shut. It wasn't a very strong lock and it can't be ruled out that this was a crime of opportunity," the director of the museum, Jochen Birkenmeier, told SPIEGEL ONLINE.

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