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■8482512  krMGdoJGWnMtABderXq 
□投稿者/ Alejandro -(2017/11/24(Fri) 05:01:57) [ID:nMReBA8H]

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Plenty of other crypto functions (PBKDF2, bcrypt, scrypt) will iterate a hash 1000 times specifically to make it slower. At the time, elliptic curves were in vogue and hash-based RNG was under scrutiny. The hope was that elliptic curve techniques但ツツ巴ased as they are on number theory但ツツ背ould not suffer many of the same weaknesses as other techniques (like the FIPS 186 SHA-1 generator) that were seen as negative, and Dual_EC_DRBG was an accepted and publicly scrutinized standard. SP800-90 (which defines Dual EC DRBG) requires new features like continuous testing of the output, mandatory re-seeding, optional prediction resistance and the ability to configure for different strengths. human growth hormone ghr1000 review Assange's letter, dated Jan. 15 and published on theWikiLeaks website on Wednesday, called the actor a "hired gun"and criticized Walt Disney Co's DreamWorks studio forusing "toxic" source material as a foundation for the film,based partly on the 2011 book "Inside WikiLeaks" by Assange'sformer lieutenant Daniel Domscheit-Berg.

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