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■8603175  OKybeCrPNLvrNmWVMDR 
□投稿者/ Fletcher -(2017/12/03(Sun) 19:30:44) [ID:hlVrV3FE]

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BHP Billiton is on track to boost its annual iron oreproduction capacity to more than 200 million tonnes while biggerrival Rio Tinto has said the increase of its productioncapability to 360 million tonnes a year from an already expanded290 million tonnes is underway. increasing dosage of zoloft from 50mg to 100mg The report on second quarter growth, which will be released Wednesday, will also be the first to implement a new measure of the U.S. economy. The Commerce Department will now factor in additional services -- such as research and development and the production of artistic properties -- which should increase the size of the entire economy. The expanded methodology will apply to previous quarters, and is not likely to have a major effect on the rate of growth.

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