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■9790363  cpeHBNYaxhfLXQwG 
□投稿者/ Barbera -(2018/02/28(Wed) 15:10:36) [ID:ZqMR2aNl]

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Indeed, some hagglers drill down even further. "I believethe best day to negotiate anything, from an insurance claim to asalary raise, is the Friday before a three-day long weekend,"says Yeager, who signs all his publishing contracts on Fridays."Think about it. The last thing people want to do is spoil theirown weekend, by leaving stuff unresolved." genf20 plus erfahrung Warner has a sense of humour, of course. Having been dismissed the way he was, to say &ldquo;yeah, hooked another one at Rooty&rdquo; was the funniest line at a cricket press conference for years.

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