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Although he did not specifically mention tourism, the minister's comments appeared to reflect Kenyan concern over the impact the attack - and the U.S. travel advisory - could have on the country's $1 billion-a-year tourist industry.


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The government's twin Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI) reports for the manufacturing and non-manufacturing sectors for July in the past week both came in better than expected, raising hopes that the slowing economy may be getting some of its growth mojo back. coupons for motrin The speed limit on the Trans-Canada Highway inside the park is 90 kilometers an hour. Outside the park, it&#39;s 110. That&#39;s what most people are driving. The road is one of the longest paved highways in the world, and it&#39;s a crucial artery for Canada. On an average summer day, about 25,000 to 30,000 vehicles drive through Banff, between park visitors and long-distance drivers, the equivalent of one car passing every three seconds. A lumbering bear barely stands a chance.


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