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□投稿者/ Grady -(2016/10/06(Thu) 23:58:05) [ID:gMTBuGP6]

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The mother of an unarmed National Guardsman slain by an NYPD detective will file a federal lawsuit Tuesday against New York City and the man who shot her son on the Grand Central Parkway, the Daily News has learned.


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□投稿者/ Jacques -(2016/10/06(Thu) 23:58:16) [ID:gMTBuGP6]

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□投稿者/ Randell -(2016/10/06(Thu) 23:58:17) [ID:TMrPN5cv]

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□投稿者/ Elwood -(2016/10/06(Thu) 23:58:20) [ID:O6RxkB3e]

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□投稿者/ Terrance -(2016/10/06(Thu) 23:58:23) [ID:TMrPN5cv]

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While the locations of the dead dolphins has varied, Schoelkopf said his staff has found nine of the dolphins along the 18-mile stretch of Long Beach Island. Long Beach Township reported three dead dolphins, Beach Patrol Supervisor Don Myers said.


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□投稿者/ Federico -(2016/10/06(Thu) 23:58:37) [ID:O6RxkB3e]

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