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Red- and blue-state America are two different nations, culturally and politically, who (unfortunately) happen to share the same continent. Would any right-thinking Republican, Conservative, or Tea Party member actually emigrate to a liberal, Stalinist, nanny-state? Would any dyed-in-the-wool liberal, Democrat, or progressive want to live in a red state that aspires to be Iran or Saudi Arabia? Obviously not in both cases. do male enhancement pills cause infertility For most politicos, summer means recess respite and a few weeks off from shouting at the television during Question Time. For a party leader&rsquo;s speechwriter it means working on a blizzard of so many conference speech drafts that you lose count of them. Spare a thought, then, for somebody you might not have heard of but have certainly heard from: Marc Stears is in for a truly terrible weekend.


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