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■10642074  LqMwTiZIEPafEA 
□投稿者/ Maurice -(2018/04/29(Sun) 19:02:03) [ID:dEuwBshL]

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但ツツ弩here frauds have been professionally planned, carried out over a long period of time and include attempts to conceal or destroy evidence, then we will make this plain when advising the courts on sentencing.但ツツ kamagra italia The Surface 2 will ship with Windows RT 8.1, bringing improvements in areas such as personalisation, search, multitasking, built-in apps, the Windows Store experience and connectivity to cloud-based storage. bpi sports best bcaa fruit punch The German government said it responded after receiving "information that the chancellor's cellphone may be monitored" by U.S. intelligence. It wouldn't elaborate but German news magazine Der Spiegel, which has published material from NSA leaker Edward Snowden, said its research triggered the response. simply younger The post of president is currently largely a ceremonial position. Erdogan wants to amend the constitution to give the president strong executive powers similar to those exercised by the French president. His plan would fundamentally change the nature of the Turkish political system and has created considerable anxiety, especially among the opposition, who fear that such a move wouldツcentralize too much power in the hands of the president and weaken the few remaining checks on Erdogan's power. clindamycin gel during pregnancy No mention in the article of Mursi&#8217;s march to install strict Islamist code as law of the land, including persecution of Christians and women of any stripe. No mention of the impact on business of Islamist code that allows confiscation of non-believer (non-Muslim) properties and monies with virtually no recourse for appeal. That includes multinational companies&#8217; assets. These so-called reforms were in direct conflict with the aims of the &#8216;Arab Spring&#8217;. And, Reuters, really! A passing comment only on the near dictatorial powers Mursi granted himself? Come on!

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